Thursday, April 15, 2010


This is another story that takes place in Turtle Creek, Wisconsin. Carol Horn is a bridal shop owner who has just lost her beloved mother. She meets the new assistant pastor of her church, Luke Peters, (in a rather unusaul way!) and she pretty much feels he could be the man of her dreams and the answer to her prayers. Luke though has a complicated and not to pretty past. Luke too feels that Carol could be the one woman for him. The problem is a mission trip Carol feels called to go on. Will this keep her from her chance with Luke??
I enjoyed this story. There was a little bit of mystery surrounding the character of Luke, and I wasn't sure about his true character right away myself, although he was a hard man not to like. I also wasn't exactly sure how the author was going to bring this story to a close at the end, but enjoyed the way God works alll things together for good to them that love God. An enjoyable book to read

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