Wednesday, February 17, 2010

HIDDEN by Shelley Shepard Gray

This was an enjoyable story. Anna finds herself fleeing her abusive but influential boyfriend Rob. She can't turn to her parents because they don't believe Rob is as bad as Anna makes him out to be. So Anna flees to where no one would look for her - her Amish friend, Katie, who helps her family run the Brenneman Bed and Breakfast. Anna is welcomed by the whole family, except for Katie's oldest brother Henry, who doesn't take kindly to her intruding upon them and possibly putting them in danger. Anna adopts the Plain clothing and lifestyle around her as she "hides out" and begins to feel she has truly found a true home. Can Henry trust his heart to her, or will she grow tired of the Amish way and leave? And will Anna's chance for true happiness be taken away when the man she is running from catches up with her.
Although there weren't alot of surprises to this story, I still enjoyed it. I enjoyed the Brenneman family and how the took in and helped out someone who was not Amish. You usually read how an Amish person leaves to become "worldly", but in this story someone sees how much they enjoy the slower pace and the fewer "things" they truly need to be content and happy and want to join the Amish community.
I am looking forward to reading the other books in this series.

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