Saturday, June 9, 2012

THE LEGEND OF THE FIREFISH by George Bryan Polivka

Two things intrigued me about this series even before I started reading them. One was the covers on the books which I thought were very well done, and two was the fact that my daughter-in-law knew the author. My two sons always give me a hard time about all the romance stories I read and said I should step outside by box every now and then, and I think this series was a step for me (although it did have a little romance in it). If you like a good pirate adventure as well as fantasy and a well-told tale, then this story will grab you from the beginning. There are sea monsters to slay, battles on the sea to be fought and pirates all over the place. But what really made an impact was the way ones faith and beliefs were woven into the story in such a realistic and though provoking way.

Packer Throme lives in a little fishing village and feels the need to stow away on a notorious pirate ship to hunt the legendary Firefish. He leaves behind his "true love", Panna, not knowing she will embark on a quest to find him on her own. She too will encounter a dangerous adventure on land.

This was a story that clearly had good guys and bad guys, adventure and alot of action. It wasn't my usual story line, but I must say it had me staying up late just to be able to finish the book and see what would happen next. I will continue to read the rest of the books in this series and see what happens next.

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