Saturday, July 26, 2014

RAIN SONG by Alice J. Wisler

This is the author's first book and she does a good job of making you fall in love with Nicole Michelin and her family.  The dialogue in this story was so sweet between these family members.  There was some romance in the story, but that wasn't the emphasis; it was upon the family, the special bond between a woman and her grandma that raised her when her missionary Mom died in Japan when she was 2.  About coping with growing up with your fears, without a Mom and learning to live in Mount Olive, North Caroline with your quirky but sweet older relatives.  Nicole will face her fears and when she goes to get on the plane I had a huge smile on my face as I face those same fears that she had.  After reading this story I am ready to try the "Pineapple Chutney" that was a big hit by all and whose recipe the author shares at the back of the book.  This author has spent time in Japan and in North Carolina and it comes through in her story.  You get a real feel for both.  This wasn't a suspense, or drama or a big adventure or romance (although I did like how Harrison and Nicole meet and continue to interact with each other), it was just a sweet interaction with the family, as told by Nicole Michelin and a story I enjoyed.  Sit back and just relax and enjoy the southern hospitality.

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