Thursday, March 17, 2011

Because He Loves Me by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick

I am so glad I read this book, and feel I should go back and read it again. A sign of a good devotional book for me is all the highlighting and underlining I do when I read it, and this has alot of that in it when I finished. It is a book written "believing that a heartfult desire to live a godly life flows from recognizing how you've been loved and transformed through Christ. Fitzpatrick seeks to help you embrace and apply God's love in every area of your everday life." (a quote on the inside jacket of this book).

Sometimes as believers we get focused on our outward behaviors and appearances and forget that it is Christ ALONE who defines everything we are and ever will be; he is our life and our identity as it is so beautifully written about in this book. Elyse writes, "In our desire to live the Christian life, most of us have simply left Jesus behind". We need to go back to the cross and the gospel and see God's love and make sure "he is the suprememly honored center of our being"; do I see Him as the person who my life orbits around? I was reminded of so much of what I have in Christ and it was a blessing for me to read this book and be reminded of how God's love can, does and will transform my life if I just stay focused on Him. I hope everyone will want to get this book and read it!

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