Monday, August 8, 2011

MEGAN'S HERO by Sharon Gillenwater

When you finish a book and just sigh to yourself, feeling good having read it, then you know you have found a book you like. That is how I felt about this story, and about the first two in this series also. The Callahans of Texas are super nice folks and it makes you wish you had them as your neighbors. And whoever was responsible for the book covers also did an excellent job of picturing the main characters in these stories.

This story revolves around the oldest Callahan son, Will, and its hard to find anything you don't like about this guy. Maybe a little "bossy" at times, but only because he cares. You are introduced to the woman in this story at the very beginning when she finds herself in the middle of Texas with a tornado coming straight for her and she having to lay in a ditch to escape death. She is Megan Smith, who is alone and pregnant and trying to survive life, having come from a family of misfits, convicts and drunkards. Will comes to her rescue and the whole Callahan clan helps to get her back on her feet again and make her feel like she belongs. Megan realizes that a God she never got to know saved her from the tornado and she begins her search of getting to know Him in a personal way.

It was with great enjoyment I watched as Will and Megan came to understand each other and begin to realize that their friendship was much more. The interaction and conversations were just filled with warmth and Will was such a charming man that Megan didn't stand a chance. God doesn't hold a person's past against them and neither did the Callahans and this was just another great story in the whole Callahans of Texas series. You won't be disappointed when you read this series and although they can be read as stand alones, I recommend you take the time to read them in order and get to know the family. You will be glad you did!

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