Monday, July 2, 2012

LEVI'S WILL by W. Dale Cramer

For me, this was an in-depth look of a prodigal son returning to the Old Order Amish and the real difficulties that he must face. It was almost like a diary of Will Mullet, who ran away from his Amish way of life and become an Englisher. The way this was written seemed so real and so sad in many different levels. A boy leaves home, becomes a man and strives to make sense of his life. It was not a happily ever after story, but filled with sorrow and pain, but I loved the way forgiveness was shown by Will and how that freed him from the guilt of his past. I thought the book was summed up with Will's realization that, "No man could keep the Law; his only hope lay in the grace of God. The wrong Will had done and all the roots that had grown from it, all the lies had told and all the harm that had come to those he loved because of it, all of it was covered by the grace of God." This was my first book by this author and I thought he wrote a story that seemed so real that it shouldn't be in the fiction section.

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