Saturday, February 15, 2014

THE HONOR GIRL by Grace Livingston Hill

Another classic story by one of my favorite authors, Grace Livingston Hill. One of the reasons I like her writings so much is expressed in the back of this story:
 "It wasn't long before Grace was a well-known author, but she wanted to go beyond just entertaining her readers.  She soon included the message of God's salvation through Jesus Christ in each of her books.  For Grace, the most important thing she did was not write books but share the message of salvation, a message she felt God wanted her to share through the abilities he had given her.
In all, Grace Livingston Hill wrote more than one hundred books, all of which have sold thousands of copies and have touched the lives of readers around the world with their message of "enduring love" and the true way to lasting happiness:  a relationship with God through his Son, Jesus Christ."

In this story you will find a young girl, Elsie Hathaway who grew up with her Aunt and Uncle when her Mom passed away and left her two brother and father alone.  Elsie will eventually see that her family desperately needs her and the home needs a woman's touch.  But life is not easy going from a home of wealth to a home full of challenges and a family that has fallen on hard times.  Can Elsie meet the challenges ahead of her?  That is what you will find out when you read this story.  I loved how her being in the home and just making small changes at first made a big difference to her two brothers and how much love and care they had towards their sister.  It was a very precious story of the importance of family and the love they should have for one another.

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