Thursday, September 1, 2011

THE ROAD HOME by Denise Jackson

This was such a refreshing and good little devotional book to read. Denise Jackson, as it says on the cover, deals with faith, hope and love and does it with an honest and open way and always brings it back to the importance of relying upon the Lord and His word. She has gone through some tough times in her life, but she has grown in her walk with her Lord and I enjoyed reading what she learned in that growing process.

The book itself was very well put together. I even enjoyed the layout and the way the pages looked. She had good quotes and Bible verses throughout her book and I am going to be passing this one on to my "girls" so they can hopefully glean things from this book the way I did. Thank you Denise Jackson for opening your life up to us all and letting us see how the Lord is working in you and through you.

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